Friday, October 20, 2006

Down, down, down...

That's what has happened to me this week. My "common cold" took me down!

In an effort to get better, I skipped my swim class, and didn't run. Man! Not doing anything is making me crazy with boredom! I'm sure my legs are fresh and recovered, and I can't wait to get back into the swing of things. I even thought this morning I could do the "coffee ride" with my friends followed up with swim, but again the clogged up lungs had other things in mind.

Running and working out allows me to relieve stress. It's "me time". I get a chance to work things out in my head (picture Mission Impossible-the first one-when Tom Cruise had that electric board and he organized images visually with the use of his hands to solve the case). I feel sexier and happier.

Next week I'm in LA for work. That means "hurrying up and waiting", being tempted by a tub (yes, a tub) of M&Ms, and long hours while we photograph food. But I'm still planning on getting back on track and I understand the hotel we are staying at not only has a gym but a pool. Armed with my swim schedule and determination... I hope to succeed!

Finished my schedule for the Ironman. After working it out, I actually didn't feel as overwhelmed as I did the first round! Amazing. I need to focus on base training until March 12th. The magic date that kicks off six months of training. Next up, figuring out "life" and how that might affect my training. Time to start working around things.

Kona was this weekend! Congrats to the participants! Hope to pull some inspiration from you all!

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