Sunday, November 05, 2006

Patience is a virtue

This week:
10 mile long run
4 days running (including the 10 mile run, equals 21 miles)
3 days of yoga
1 day of strength/core training (NEW!)
1 day of stationary bike (40 minutes)

During my long run on Saturday, my legs felt horrible. I think it's because I'm still recovering (I'm hoping!). I set out to run with my 9 min/mile group and ended up cutting the 12 miler down to 10. I held the group back to more of a 9:30-10 and my heartrate was thru the roof! I know I lost a lot of fitness after being sick. I've just got to remember it's going to take patience to get back to where I was at (in addition to losing 5 lbs).

Today I started a new program that will run 10 weeks. It's a core/strength training program to help strengthen my weak muscles, enhance my performance, and prevent injuries (hello plantar faciatis). I really like it thus far. There are 6 of us total from NOVA and it's so strange how these "easy" exercises cause us to sweat and grunt. All in all, I have a very weak core! Again, patience!

Today I also went down to San Diego for the Challenged Athlete's Foundation race. Amazing! There was a guy who had only one limb and he not only ended up swimming the 1.2 mile swim, but also kicked ass in the 1/2 marathon. What an inspiration! Plus, saw Bob Babbit... a good day!

Next Week:
1 day swim (due to travel and my "Gourmet Group" this is all I can get in)
1 day bike (again due to travel)
4-5 days running
2 days yoga (due to travel gonna use the DVDs I bought)
2 days strength/core training
1 day weight training

Feeling better emotionally. Truthfully, the only thing I want to do is stay inside and recollect. I'm a hermit. Totally fine with this but need to make sure it doesn't become too comfortable. With this new program I'm meeting new people, plus I plan to join (yes, pay money for...) the Torture Clinic in Saddleback. Maybe I'll meet some more people there.

2 week goal:
lose 3-4 lbs
Feel stronger and healthier