Friday, May 18, 2007

Week 9- momentary lapse of reason

It's telling that the log was late. I'm just a little frazzled because there is so much going on. Training is still a blast, it's just the other aspects of life (the responsible part) that gets in the way. Work took a left turn, so I'm trying to deal with that. I'm also trying to get more social workouts in... I've started going to Multisport Track workouts, and haven't made it yet, but also trying to make their Cycling workouts.

Overall I feel spacey and emotional... hence the title. It might be that I'm tired. With Ironman training, every minute counts - and I'm not talking about my workout minutes, it's everything outside of training. The past few months I've had a lot of obligations that have left me running from place to place. I've got to plan for my day and have everything laid out the night before because I'll be slammed trying to get my coaching in, my workout in, shower, change, drive to a family event, come home, pack for my bike ride the next day, eat and pour onto the couch for a glass of wine! That has been my life for the last few months.

I have been pretty good about getting in the minimum workouts. That's kind of bumming me out because I'd love to get in more, but hey, I'm lucky I got the stuff in that I have. Here's what last week looked like.

Week's accomplishments:
Mon: Swim (75 min)
Tues: Track with Multisport. Ran 1:10 or about 6-7 miles. Tough because it's speed, but that's good because I was concerned I'd was losing that edge.
Wed: Swim (75 min) & group cycle on the bike trail (1:17)
Thur: Run (50 min) BAD day with work and lucky I got this in.
Fri: off
Sat: Run 9 miles (1 mile with new group and 8 miles on my own)
Sun: Bike 4:28 (63.3 miles) & Run 30 min (3 miles)
Nutrition: Bad, I feel like I've been horrible. I think I've gained all my weight back!
Heartrate: seems high

Next week's goal:
Mon: Swim (75 min)
Tues: Run (60-80 min)
Wed: Swim (75 min) & bike (60-90 min)
Thur: Bike (70 min) & Run (20-30 min)
Fri: off
Sat: Run (80-100 min) & bike (60-90 min)
Sun: Bike (270 min) & Run (30 min)

Really pay attention to my nutrition and eat right!!

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