Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week 3-Tired!

This week was a tiring week. I feel the wear of the long hours. I'm still having a blast though. My hamstring seems to be on the mend and I'm more careful with it. My nutrition is HORRIBLE! I crave food starting at 3pm. I just can't seem to get enough to satisfy me. I'm no fool. I know I need calories, but I'm eating handfuls of candy... bad choices and this is what I'm beating myself up over.

Like for instance, after the ride on Sunday, I ate my entree and a ton of chips. Did I really need that? No! And Friday night I craved Easter Candy... why did I need to eat half the bag?? Only to have my stomach supremely upset because of the chocolate and red wine combo.

Anyway, there is a huge opportunity to improve. Even a small change would make progress.

This week's accomplishments:
Mon: Swim (60 min)
Tues: Speed Clinic (70 Min) & Run (12 min)
Wed: Swim (60 min), Bike (50 Min)
Thur: Core (50 min) & Run (77 min)
Fri: Off
Sat: Run (80 min)
Sun: Bike (4 hours or 59 miles!) & Run (20 Min)

Nutrition Update: Like I said abobe, I've been eating a lot of sugar.... craving it like I did as a kid. Tues, I couldn't get enough of it and pretty much substituted candy for dinner. Bad!

Heartrate: I stayed in heartrate for the most part. I'm just tired from the number of hours and waking up early. I'm trying to make sure I get enough sleep and rest.

Unfortunately, I had a migraine this week. It wasn't a full fledge migraine, but it did affect my workout Thursday night. It came on around 5pm and then I went home and ran my "speed" workout of 8 miles. It was horrible, but I was so proud of myself for still being devoted. Only thing is I need to figure out why??

Goals Next Week:
Mon: Swim (60 min)
Tues: Bike (70 min), Run (15-20 min)
Wed: Swim (60 min), Bike (60-90 min)
Thur: Core Class (50 min), Run (40-60 min)
Fri: Off
Sat (Lisa's B-day): Run (80-100 min), Bike (60-90 min)
Sun (Easter): Ride (180-240 min), Run (15-20 min)
Nutrition: cut back on sweets. Be more conscious of the sugar intake and STOP!
Heartrate: Continue to keep within heartrate zone

Treat: Mon, 4/9 I get a massage!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Solvang 1/2 Century Race-Pictures

Finished in about 3 1/2 hours!

Week 2-Stupid girl

Do as I say and not as I do... First injury of training-the pulled hamstring. So, running the LA Marathon, then doing the 1/2 Century the next weekend, then jumping into Ironman training... and adding a Fartlek wasn't smart! I should have listened to myself when I tell my runners to take it easy and don't over do it.

Injury--- My fault!

Week 2 accomplishments:
Mon: Swim (75 min)
Tues: Speed Clinic (about 120 min), run (12 min)
Wed: Swim (75 min), Run (60 min-The Imfamous Fartleks)
Thurs: Off-life busy & rest
Fri: off (rest)
Sat: Long Run (55 min)
Sun: Long Ride (216 min), run (20 min), Massage to help the leg

Nutrition Update: Did well with the no carbs after 4pm, except Friday. Went to El Matador and had tacos, beans, chips... then a brainstorming and had more mexican food. Saturday night had too many calories while babysitting. Had wine on Thursday and Friday . However, I did eat right on the long bike (200-250 calories/hour).

Bike Calories:
To start-Oatmeal, Cottage Cheese & raisins; Coffee with milk
During: (2) Motortabs, (2) scoops of Carbopro, (4) Fig Newtons, (1) bottle of water, (1) package of Sports Beans
After: 1/2 Bagel and light cream cheese with tomatoe, large coffee with milk (was full from ride/run still)

Heartrate: Still was too high for my training. On the bike I was better but we went flat so it was easy to maintain.

Week 3 goals:
Mon: Swim (75 min)
Tues: Speed Clinic (about 120 min), Run (15-20 min)
Wed: Swim (75 min), Bike (60-90 min)
Thur: Run (60-80 min), Core Class (50 min)
Fri: off
Sat: Run (70-90 min), Bike (60-90)
Sun: Bike (180-210), Run (15-20), Core (50 min)

Nutrition: Continue to watch proportions, and avoid "empty calories". Eat meals that are pre cooked. No wine on weekdays.

Heartrate: Really concentrate on lowering the heartrate.

Stretching/Icing: Need to take care of my hammie!! Ice and massage and gingerly stretching. Goal of healing fast!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Week 1-Getting up to 'speed'

Overall I'd rate my success this week with workouts as a 8 (1-10, 10 being great). I got most of the workouts in except Monday, because we were traveling. Then I was able to some of the optional workouts in as well.

Mon: Official Day of Training! Traveling back from Solvang-no workout
Tues: Speed Clinic (120 min) & Brick run (15 min)
Wed: Swim (60 min)-cramping in the legs, had to get out of the pool
Thur: Core Class (about 50 min) & Run (67 mins)
Fri: Off
Sat: Run (82 min), easy trainer ride (40 min)
Sun: Rode (184 min) south through Laguna Beach, Dana Point, San Clemente and back to hit Newport Coast once. Then off the bike and out for a Run (about 20 min). I might do Core class tonight. I bonked on the run because I didn't have enough calories on the bike... remember the lessons you learned first round and try to not make the same mistakes. that means 200 calories per hour... need to bulk up since I only had about 250 total on the 3 hour ride... bad!

Feel good. Legs are tight from the Speed Clinic which is hard. I hate going anaerobic... which is why I love distance training... so this class is tough. I actually love the short run after the ride and recruited a few people to join me (I was a little scared doing it in the dark by myself).

Back in the pool. Yikes! That was tough, but I stuck to it for most of the practice. We completed 2100 meters. My toes and abductor started tightening up (most likely because I was dehydrated and from Speed Clinic). My goal this coming week is to really pay attention to stretching so I can prevent this (hopefully).

Nutrition Update: Back down 2.0 Lbs and started eating better for me. This week no starches after 4pm (per my bike coach), and more healthy choices.

Heartrate: Kinda high probably because I'm still in recovery. Goal to keep within my zone.

Week 2's goals:
Mon: Swim (75 min)
Tues: Speed Clinic (about 120 min), run (15-20 min)
Wed: Swim (75 min), Ride (60-90 min)
Thurs: Run (60-80 min), core class (50 min)
Fri: off
Sat: Long Run (70-90 min), Easy trainer ride (60-90 min)
Sun: Long Ride (150-210 min), run (15-20 min), core class (50 min)
Nutrition: Continue with no carbs after 4pm and no wine on weekdays & eat right on the long bike (200-250 calories/hour)
Heartrate: Focus on zone I need to be in (scared to overtrain!)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Kicking off 6 months of training-Week 1

Starting today, I begin Ironman Training, officially! I'm excited and nervous. At the begining of any training program there is hope and anxiety for the race. It's very fresh and new, which helps to build that excitment. However, I am nervous for the amount of time and energy devoted to this. Ironman is no small goal. So, I need to keep my spirits up and my drive has to be strong. I don't want to poop out 3 months in and have to force myself through each workout.

I'm thankful to have a bunch of support. Not only do I have my family and friends behind me. But I also have my friend, Patrick, that will be going through the training with me. Not to mention, Elaine, Adrian, my runners and other triathletes to help on those long days.

So, here's to a safe and successful 6 months. Wish me luck!

This past week's accomplishments:
Monday: recovery from LA Marathon, walked 2 miles
Tues: I feel pretty good! Didn't exercise
Wed: Ran 2.5 miles, slow. Starting to come back
Thurs: Nothing
Fri: Left for Solvang
Sat: Solvang 1/2 Century (completed in about 3 1/2 hours). I'm not happy with my bike set up. My back started to hurt about 15 miles in. It was a tough ride, and my spirits deflated when I got dropped 10 miles in. I thought the Torture Clinic would have put me in better placement, but I guess LA Marathon took more out of me than expected.
Sun: Ran 5 miles easy. Felt good, but slow (I'm slow, not fragile).

Goals this week:
Mon: Swim (I've already missed this, but am getting a massage)
Tues: Speed Clinic (70 min intervals/ 3 min), Run (brick-15-20 min)
Wed: Swim (1:15), easy trainer ride (60-90 min)
Thur: Core class, 60-80 run (fartleks)
Fri: Run (? Swim ?), Yoga
Sat: Long Run 50-70, ride easy 60-90, yoga
Sun: Long ride 120-180 min, brick 15-20, swim

Cooked meals for the week. Aiming to lose some of the poundage I gained this weekend. No alcohol til weekend: 1 per hour of workout- no more.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Count Down to LA Marathon

I've got one more week til I get to check off another goal. The LA Marathon coming up on Sunday, 3/4 is meant to toughen me up mentally. I must admit, I'm definitely ready to wind things down (only for a little while because I have Solvang 1/2 Century and, ultimately, Ironman). I don't plan to "race" Sunday but actually run with my 9:30-10 minute group. It's all about training for me!

Here is what I had this week leading up to LA:
Mon: 4 miles easy & Yoga class
Tues: 3 miles on the treadmill, a short core workout and then Torture Clinic**
**We did our BIGGEST ride-a 30 minute climb! Man, was that tough!! All that work should pay off at Solvang.
Wed: Off
Thurs: Core Class (Carl killed us again: 200 yard run, 5 push ups, 10 situps, and 15 lunges... as many as we circuits we could do in 20min. I had 11 circuits). Torture testing-this went bad. Not only did I gain weight, but my heartrate didn't change much due to the caffine I'd had that day. The coach was literally disappointed in me... and mentioned it several times. Sucked!
Fri: I took this off... resting up and carbo loaded with runners.
Sat: off
Sun: LA MARATHON!! This race was ok. I was disappointed in the narrow streets at the beginning, especially with 25,000+ runners. That made it hard to hold our pace (10/mile). I wanted simply to stick with the 10/mile runners since this was just a training run for me. We stuck together until mile 10-11, then lost 3 people to the bathrooms. Jim and I trekked along and then lost each other at mile 19. At mile 22 a nasty hill... it's the downhill that KILLED me. From there out, I need to dig deep mentally... this is EXACTLY what I set out to achieve this race. I pulled through despite the heat (80 degrees) and pain. I finished with the slowest time EVER: 4:38:21.

Now onto Solvang 1/2 century this weekend....

Past few weeks

Here we go again...

Past few weeks workout log:
Mon, 2/12-easy 4 mile run. But I think I wanted to walk in after mile 3!
Tues 2/13-4 mile run & Torture Clinic for 1:20:00. Including getting my certificate on the rollers! (40 minutes all by myself on the rollers!)
Wed 2/14: Off!
Thurs 2/15: 4 miles, Off Season Core Training (Carl killed us with a circuit of kettlebells, burpies, sit ups, push ups, lunges and pull ups), Torture Clinic 1:20:00.
Fri 2/16: Off (Man! I'm tired!)
Sat 2/17: New Training group started so I only got 4 miles in. Darn! I should have gotten in 10.
Sun 2/18: Went to San Luis Opispo to visit friends...

Mon 2/19: Back from SLO, massage with Mary (not as bad as last visit, but she still had me off the table), and got in contact with an old friend, Adrian, who is doing Ironman New Zealand in a few weeks!
Tues 2/20: 4 miles easy, but I skipped Torture (first time!). Met up with Rick and Julie for dinner... they think I look burnt out. I gotta say, I'm ready for LA to be over with and Torture clinic to switch up.
Wed 2/21: 4 miles easy
Thurs 2/22: 4 miles & Torture clinic 1:20:00 (with a 24 minute climb!). My abductors were screaming!!!!
Fri 2/23: Off
Sat 2/24: 8 miles but was tired. Supposed to do 10 but didn't have it in me
Sun: Slept in until 10am! Man I needed it.

I just feel wiped out. Between LA Marathon, and Torture clinic I just feel like toast! My legs are strong, and I feel ok, but I'm just exhausted. I'm still trying to listen to my body and take care of myself (mostly through sleep and eating right).

Why the hell can't I get nutrition right??!! Too many empty calories, too little calories overall, no desire to eat the healthy food... etc!