Saturday, November 11, 2006

Working out in a closet

This Week:
1 day swim, as planned
1 day bike, as planned-one day on the stationary bike in Tucson (not ideal, especially since it was a sit-down stationary bike, but hey, I got it in)
5 days running , as planned (including a 15 transition run and an 8 mile long run)
2 days yoga, as planned (one with studio and one attempt while traveling with stupid DVD)
2 days strength/core training, as planned (did one session by myself in the hotel room)

I'm pretty excited that I stuck with it this week! I was traveling for business to Memphis and Tucson. I am excited because even being out of the state and in the midst of travel chaos, I managed to stick to my planned workout schedule and only missed one day of weight training. Plus, I did a decent job of watching what I ate while traveling (ok, a few moments of weakness).

Monday I made it to swim. I haven't been in awhile so I put myself in the second slowest lane (no real exception there). There were three men in the lane with me, and automatically I was "put" last. By the end of the session, I was leading the lane! If there is one thing I know... it's how to hold back on a long session so you can still have energy on the second half of practice. Needless to say, I gained some respect from the guys. They started telling our coach I was kicking their butts and had to go first.

Monday I also managed to get a 4 mile run after swim. I took it nice and slow being completely aware that my body as recovering from the 10 miler on Saturday.

Tuesday was my "off" day for two reasons. One, it was my scheduled off day/recovery day. Second, I traveled out to Memphis and there was no time.

Wednesday, was another travel day to head to Tucson, but I was able to sneak downstairs to the hotel gym (ok, really it was a closet with a few treadmills, bikes and weights).

Thursday, I went online to check out some local runs ( and found one that left from my hotel and ran on University of Arizona's campus. I ran through the student union, through the stadium and around some "no traffic" student trails. 6.3 miles later I treated myself to a coffee and some mango juice. Upstairs to do my Offseason Core/Strength training. Damn that was hard! I had 7 exercises to do, 3 sets of 10 each. It took me about an hour and half to finish and I was sweating HARD! If I had to walk the length of my hotel room again, it would kill me!

Friday, sore from the Offseason Training/hotel room workout... I met a coworker to show him the trail I'd ran the day before. Seriously me legs were dying! We ran a compromised pace for the first loop, then I sent him on his way so I could slow down and get my heartrate to a more reasonable level-especially with doing 8 miles on Saturday. Again, another treat of coffee and strawberry/banana juice, and I was heading out of Tucson.

Saturday, still sore from the Offseason Training, I ran 8 miles with my 9 min/mile group. Finished in 1:15:00. Stretched and chatted it up with the runners, many of which hit a milestone of their own by running the 8. Rush home, shower and head off to my yoga class. Mistakenly told my yoga instructor that I was an offseason triathlete with a weak core... "Because Shannon's an athlete, we are going to push her harder... come one Shannon, hold that pose, you're an athlete..." Note to self, never bring up your a triathlete again to your instructor! At the end of class I told him, "I never said I was a GOOD athlete!"

Still struggling with nutrition and my poor eating habits. Been exhausted lately... most likely due to kicking up my workouts and the travel.

This week:
Swim: 2 days
Offseason Core/Strength Training: 2 days
Run: 4 days
Yoga: 1 day
Bike: 1-2 days
Leave Friday for Saipan! I hope to clock off a long run, a swim and some biking before Sunday.

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