Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ironman isn't something you can fake!

If this week is any indication of how training will go, then I'm in trouble. Lately, the crisp fall air has kept me under the covers rather than rolling out of bed for my 5:45am swim class. (excuse #1) I've missed my lunchtime runs and even worst lost my lunchtime running partner due to a new job (excuse #2). Don't even get me started on the bike (I don't have a cool excuse for that one yet, but I'm sure there is one)!

And those extra 5 lbs! in the last four months, really??!! Is that necessary?

The good news... Patrick got into Wisconsin. Even though he has yet to figure out if that's good news to him, I'm happy. I've finally got someone else to train with and... at the end of a long day, collapse on the couch with while not feeling guilty. It's so nice to date someone that has the same interests as me. What a novel thought! I feel he truly understands where I'm coming from and can say the right words to help ease my concerns. Or vice versa!

My biggest concern is keeping my head into training. I have figured out that I have a bad habit of doing well on the first race but doing horrible (no REALLY, horribly) on the second attempt. It's one of two things mentally: either I have a hard time getting motivated to do all that training from the beginning again, or I think I can do it again, but without training as hard. Either way, I need to nip this in the bud quick. Ironman isn't something you can fake! (Oh, hi! more pressure)

Off to try and find the training schedule I used in 2004. If it seems do-able for this year, then I'll back it out to the Wisconsin race.

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