Monday, January 29, 2007

It's a good pain!

This weekend was awesome! What a fun time!

Mon: 4 mile easy run with a friend
Tues: Torture Clinic (clocked just under 30 miles: rollers then trainer)
Wed: Day off
Thurs: Didn't make it to core class, but Torture clinic (again about 29 miles: Trainer, then Erg bike)
Fri: Day off
Sat: Started feeling worn down (went out Thursday night late) and decided the best thing was to skip the 10 miler and rest the body. Did get a massage and found about 8 knots (I think they should be named!)
Sun: FUN DAY! Rode 39 miles on PCH with rolling hills and one Newport Coast hill. Then ran a brick for 20 minutes. After a celebratory bagel breakfast with Patrick, I had my Core class... Carl killed us with a "Crossfit" session: 1/4 mile on the treadmill, 50 jumping pull ups, 30 situps, 30 kettle bell swings, 20 bench jumps. Then repeat four times at the fastest time you can do.

I'm sore today, but it was worth it and it's the GOOD pain. Now I want to focus on taking care of my body this week. With Sunday's hard workouts, I took an easy 3.5 mile run today. Stretched extra good.

GOAL this week:
Roll out legs/feet for the knots
Mon: run
Tues: core training, run, Torture Clinic
Wed: Day off
Thurs: Core training, run, Torture Clinic
Fri: Yoga, run
Sat: Bike fit, run short
Sun: Pacific Shoreline 1/2 Marathon, Bike (hope to get at least 20 miles in), Core Training

I've lost a pound this week. YEAH! I watched the "What it takes" DVD Saturday night and found out a Champion Ironman Athlete (like Peter Reid) eat 42 meals a week. No wonder I "die" each night... I'm not taking in enough calories.

GOAL: Lose 8 lbs total by March.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Getting back to my regular schedule

These past two weeks' events completed...

Torture clinic:
Second day went well! The first order of business for the clinic is weighing in. THANK GOD, that miscalculated my weight on Tuesday (Seriously, I thought I gained 12 lbs in three days!). So ends up I lost "some" weight... it's in the right direction even if it's baby steps. Second on the agenda... the rollers. As I have mentioned before, I've never ridden on rollers before Tuesday. They help a rider hold their line by working on your balance. Tuesday, I needed my partner's help pretty much the whole time with at least one hand on my bike for balance. Thursday, however, Tom had to take off after my first 20 minutes on the bike. Coach said I still had another 10 minutes before moving over to the trainer. With Coach Robert's help, I got moving on the rollers, pretty soon he took his hands away (his tough love-gotta learn sooner or later), then he had to "step away" for awhile... next thing I know, I'm (scared to death) riding the rollers by myself! What an amazing feeling!

This past Tuesday and Thursday for class I quickly learned my lesson on being properly fueled for the session. Tuesday I bonked. I didn't eat enough and felt the result during the erg bike session. However, Thursday I bounced back when I ate dinner before the class. Other than simply being tired on my second session, the rollers, I felt ok. And I think the reason for my fatigue is I'm getting used to the class being added to my normal training schedule. Hopefully my endurance will pick up soon.

Speaking of my normal training schedule, I ran a long 21 miler this weekend. It felt good and I ran an average of 9:30. The last two miles I was tired, but at the end of the day I was happy. It took us under 4 hours and most of my runners hit a milestone... very cool.

I also got my Core/Strength Training classes in (one of the two thrusdays and a sunday-this sunday's class was canceled). Our test should be coming up soon and I get to see how much I've improved.

Today I was tired! We did go out last night a bit too late, but I think I was just tired overall. My goal has been to get a long ride in on Sundays and althought I did that last Sunday with a brick... today I slept in.

So this week's schedule:
Monday: Run, Yoga, core work
Tues: run and Torture clinic
Wed: core work
Thur: Run, Torture clinic
Fri: run
Sat: 10 mile run, MASSAGE!
Sun: Ride 30-35 miles, 20 min run, core work

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Let the torture begin!

Finished the OC 1/2 Marathon in 1:50:56

My first time doing this race! Man, watch out for those rolling hills at the end! I went out fast... like a 7:20 pace for 3 miles. Then I started to realize (feel) my mistake and brought it down to an 8 min pace. Needless to say the day was HOT, the rolling hills and steady climb to finish killed me, but I had a blast and enjoyed the race. I'd definietly do it again.

Torture Clinic-Day one
It was torturous! No, not that bad, but it wasn't fun. Sitting there in the saddle I recalled what the brochure said... "must be mentally tough to handle course". So, I pushed out my complaints and continued to peddle. 40 minutes later, I moved over to the rollers. Now, being it was the first time I've ever been on rollers, I was scared to death. I had an awesome partner, Tom, who built my confidence up. 20 min later I was done and even managed to ride a few times with Tom only holding the back of the bike. I'm excited to see the results from the clinic, but must admit my weigh in didn't go well... it will continue to be a struggle. I'm definietly not a "wirey" athlete... so weight will always impact my times.

This week at another photoshoot and despite my efforts to eat well, the team keeps pushing food on me. It's as if as soon as you say, "no thanks" it challenges them to force food at you more. I've held off pretty good, but today, the peanut M&Ms were calling my name! (now, why am I confused on gaining weight, as mentioned above?)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Post Holiday Work!

Alright, not only have I slacked on my workouts, but apparently I've neglected my workout log/blog.

Let's see, there were plenty of holiday parties, lots of shopping, and more returning, then of course XMas cards, wrapping, XMas Cocktails... right, keep on scheduled for both workouts and nutrition!? I have some MAJOR catching up to do.

I'm still on schedule for the LA Marathon. I ran a second 18 mile run. The first sucked, simply because I was jumping from 13-14 miles up to 18. The IT Bands were screaming at me due to the "too fast, too soon, too far" motto, plus the terrain was slanted and didn't help. But at least the second 18 miler went extremely well and brought back the confidence I was lacking.

I've kept with my off season core strength training but felt really weak last week. I think I was fighting off a seasonal cold. THANKS Reliv! I think I avoided it!

This Reliv... I take it twice a day. When I'm done with my long run I drink one. And I feel it's really helped with my recovery. Not to mention, thus far I've not had any migraines, my energy has increased, I've maintained my appetite, and I think all the nutrients help with my recovery!

Then of course I did my orientation for the Torture Clinic. Man! I'm scared. They talked about body oder, gas, riding the rollers, oh yeah, and the training. I'll need to watch my nutrition and keep to my schedule, then I'll reap the benefits of being a stronger rider, stronger mentally, fitter, leaner and faster. Having said all that, who cares that it's called "torture".

Races identified for training this year:
Orange County 1/2 Marathon (1/7/07)
Pacific Shoreline 1/2 Marathon (2/4/07)
LA Marathon (3/4/07)
Solvang 50 miler (3/22/07)
Bonielli Park Series Sprint Tri (I think the first is in April)
Newport Beach Sprint Tri (5/07)
Saddleback 1/2 Marathon (5/07)
San Diego International Tri (6/07)
Century ride (ride the bear??)
San Diego Marathon???
1/2 Vineman (7/07)
Another August Race?
Another Century Ride?
Ironman Wisconsin! GOAL!!

This coming week's goal:
Run 4-5 times (Sun, Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Sat) - 20-21 mile run included
Torture Clinic 2x's (Tues & Thurs)
I'm a wimp-no swim unless it's warmer (maybe Sunday)
Core Training 2 x's (Thurs & Sunday)
Bike Endurance 1x (Sunday)
Yoga 2x's (Mon & Saturday)
(God! I love the weekends! All about the fun stuff!)